Sakatat’s 2012 7″ ‘Bir Devrin Sonu’ is a masterpiece of the Grindcore form, hyperactively dynamic and creatively concise to the point of abandon. Superblasting devotional megafast fleet-of-one-footed-kick drums & super snappy snare sound cuts like a knife, humming with irradiated energy, bassless Guitars screeching treble attacking in cruster chord patterns tumbling briefly into thrashing aplomb or downcast breakdown death kickings, perfect-pitch vocal in pants-shitting low/deranged squawk high trade offs, technical and precise through sheer force of bloodthirsty will, devastatingly utterly fucking fast, dynamic and fucking heavy, the equal measure to any any heavyweight Grindcore band of repute and reverent to Repulsion, Discordance Axis, Terrorizer and Excruciating Terror in a single insane exhalation of tripartite energy and audial disgust – old school grinding madness, honed and concise as it gets. It’s a fun nostalgia trip to read the hype snippets from the killer grind blogs of (not that) old on the Bandcamp liner, too. The first place I was given the opportunity to write reviews was for Alex at the formidable Grind To Death. His style was impeccable, a colossal influence on my writing – “All hell breaks loose as Sakatat pour every last joule of energy, every lesson learnt and every bit of protest they have into a dense 8 minute rupture last felt in Krakatau 1883”. Perfectly surmised. Anticapital annihilation.


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