Toadliquor returns from total obscurity to unleash a colossal callous shitide of mean Sludge on the aptly titled ‘Back In the Hole’. Doling out metallic, hatefully stoned riffs like methadone cups in the predawn haze, unfurling with poisonous gain like Trouble meets Upsidedown Cross, claws caked in ketamine work delirious, defeated melody, obscure and forlorn, drugged and chugging, metronomic rhythms caustic and violent envenomed with tar black braided Bass, extreme dark vocal scrawl and debased declaration from the pit of ruin. Burdensome, pugilistic, soul destroying and enormous, a hefty toll of nasty Sludge afflicted upon a ruinous psyche unable to bear the strain, delighting in the irresistible pull of negativity. Observe the post-liminal swastika of technocratic banality so brazenly adorning the confrontational album art, the unbearable samsara of experiential abuse and toiling in the absurd, and despair. A real winner.

Southern Lord

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