Shooting Spree is a crazily furious and gnarly Grindcore band from British Columbia. This is a collection of early demo tracks and rehearsals from when the band was just a two piece, and it’s absolutely fukken ripping. Bugged out and feral, Punk as fuck Grindcore dripping with energy and aggression. Brutal power chord crushin’/deadly noodle riffin’ guitar careens over hyperventilating super blast drumming and mental vocals from across the range of grunting, blurting, blorting, shrieking fucken’ madness! Tempos switch on a hair trigger, leaping from section to section with insane aplomb, super short songs absolutely crammed with riffs, blast beats and high powered vocal assault. Fucking awesome. I’m super pleased Shooting Spree has uploaded a bunch more of their stuff to their bandcamp page. Get hip.


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