
Furiously intense Deathgrind from Australia; horrendous bogan Death Metal/Grindcore ‘songs’ just smashing your face over and over, one after the other, in an utterly hostile and aggro fashion. There’s an abundance of mad stupid stomping, Bass rumbling overkill death metal riffs over rough hewn swarming blast beats, downward-spiral pit fuel riffs for the subtlety-impaired, tempo variations with sort-of breakdown parts swimming in grease and gore and car-crash vocal death. Deathgrind works for me when it’s like this, the pairing of ignorant death riffs over fast blast parts, no noodly riffs or much nuance, just Deathly, Grinding madness. Excruciating Terror, Repulsion and old Carcass are signposts to enjoyment. Grab a shirt or a tape! Essential.


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