Corrupted, morally ambivalent ill Hip Hop from beneath the sewers. A fucking masterful mixtape, culling and cutting from all sordid corners of the Boxgut’s collective discography, with tracks pulled from a slew of producers and vocal appearances from Sebrox, Jak Progresso and more, each exhaling vile bars of insanely lyrical/lyrically insane wickedness with unique flows over shadowy and brash productions. Disturbed and distorted sampling pulled from all over the fucking map, mercurial ambient loops, lurking violence abstractions, potent poetic expressions of the outside perspective equally ignorant and eloquent, one eye crookedly looking backwards to rugged backpack Rap heyday and old skool minimalism, and the other farsighting future crimes against the mainstream of acceptable Hip Hop with hawkeyed esotericism. Each of the Boxguts mixtapes hosted on Grindcore Karaoke are worth your attention, but this one is my favourite. Scope their bandcamp page here.



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