Regurgitated Entrails surfaces from the US with their 2022 demo.  Putrid, bonesawing, deathgrinding Brutal Death Metal riffs cast in malefic abandon over ultra tight Bass and Drum blast, weaving old school Death Metal riffcraft and blasting Brutal Death Metal truculence. The drums carve super dryly produced grooves and corpulent, wicked sick slams, adorned with some particularly potent gravity blast sections, the Bass is enputridised with 808 bass drops and fluid, dexterous digital liquidity generating a torqued power beneath the impressively memorable riff structures, the vocal a torrent of extremely brutish, obstinate grunts and purrs to instigate lizard brain fury and multiple overkill stabbings. Perfectly evoked old school American Brutal Death Metal ala Regurgitation, Disgorge (US) or Necrotic Disgorgement with obligatory nods to Cephalotripsy and early Devourment. Total fucking sickness and obscenity.

Maggot Stomp


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