God Is War mixtape on Deathbed Tapes, with some tracks collated from other releases and some unique to this tape (I think). Suzerain Eurorack Harsh Electronics, big fat crushing noise sequencer beats in dominating Dubstep/Industrial like patterns and menacing, glowering, skin-flaying bass pulses, disturbing sample manipulations, hyper-aggression and militant sweat, nail-biting gonzo hair trigger ambiance – combat enhancing stimulant overdose in a Tel Aviv nightclub, seconds from total hulk meltdown and unremitting violence. Chami makes many references to McCarthy’s masterwork ‘Blood Meridian’ across God Is War’s various releases, taking quotes as song titles and drawing allegory and allusion to the novel’s warlike philosophy and extremely hostile standard-bearing intent. Domineering, disconcerting… dehumanizing. War is God.

Deathbed Tapes

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