Crushing lows and murderous loops from Harsh Noise artist Macrobacillus, a name that may well be referencing legendary projects Macronympha and Bacillus, of whom I’m sure Macrobacillus has taken some influence. 6 tracks long-ish tracks of rampant, diseased richter scale crunch, feedback and indiscernible sound sources (some Music?) in loops, squalling channels of vocalisation cast down through various distortion brackets, volume terrors, tremulant and piss-scary, pathological, psychotic and psychedelic American Harsh Noise with some early Power Electronics sensibilities and wounded animal vocal. There’s dynamic cutting too among the layers of sound, though these tracks mostly unfurl at a momentum gathering pace, Industrial style, rather than baffling with all out cut-attack. Sounds like human consciousness and primary brain functions melting amid uncontrollable syphilitic catatonia. Gruesome!

Bizarre Shampoo

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