Personal and afflicted one-man Black Metal, a carving from total pain and dejection. Chaos Magick Black Death full of blasting and killer riffing, extremely accomplished song writing matched by intensely personal, left-of-genericism concepts and hand made aesthetics, vile microcosmic reproductive organ obsession and extraction, non traditional instrumentation (see the almighty and frankly bombastic saxophone sections in the rapturous ‘The Gland’), fervently intricate arrangements with razor-sharp disharmonious riffing and exceptional rhythm work. At certain junctures there’s a similarity to Incanation and Vassafor, with a Death Metal heft ever-present in these songs, more so than any other Brulvahnatu release I’ve heard. At times stoic and sombre, at others ravenous and exacting, Brulvahnatu is in a space carved for itself. Reminds me also of one of Alex Poole’s recent projects, Skaphe; only here, Kib Sreng is able to weave ambient psychedelia and improvisational feeling patterns into surprisingly majestic, memorable songs. Wonderful album. Check out War Vellum for more Brulvahnatu releases.

Pagan Flames

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