
Tag Archives: Aparthiva Raktadhara

Kalikshetra sorcery and black death hate from Aparthiva Raktadhara. Makes good the promise of their demented demo, here presenting an absolutely ruthless scroll of ancient, martial Death Metal heresy. Vicious drumming both in execution and style, the frothing fills and lurching double bass groove warped with irreal essence, dry sulphuric Guitars and Bass sounds coalesce in sorcerous, kris-like blade riffs and molten lightning bolt solos, both unorthodox and fervently devotional to archaic forms, searing and scything as war commanding hissing vocal topples pious bodies and desecrates meek souls. The ossuary-dry production accents the aggression, ignoring spooky reverb trends in favour of monolithic, unavoidable deathcrush. There’s a tangible air of Brutal Death Metal here, in the extremely aggressive arrangement and inert recording atmosphere, making for a particularly cruel, violent listen. Hail Kalikshetra Death Metal Shunyata!

Iron Bonehead Productions


Sorcerous Black Death Metal from the extremely fertile underground Kolkata scene. Raw, loud and necrotic rehearsal sound, ripping riffs and purging atonal drum cacophony with lots of blast beats, singular and barbaric as fuck, torn throat vocal incantation, a savage, swirling rite of killing Kalikshetra violence! Blasphemous and esoteric, with less Harsh Noise or Power Electronics sounds/influences than many of their contemporaries in their scene. Summons a sound akin to demo era Morbid Angel or Necrovore, who’s ‘Divus de Mortuus’ Aparthiva Raktadhara cover as a bonus track in adoring devotion. A very short and promising demo to activate murderous chakral wizardry and immoral levitation practices.


Iron Bonehead Productions