LIFES - DEMO - cover

What has four legs, lives in Milwaukee & has the power to make you get up and wanna’ punch something? No, it’s not a golden retriever made out of cheese with a stereo blasting Crossed Out strapped to it’s back. It’s LIFES! An amazing two-piece band (bass & drums) featuring members of Get Rad, Conquest Of Death, Party By The Slice, and Kungfu Rick. They sound mean, fast as fuck & super catchy (Like if Artimus Pyle was an insane bass-driven PV band) . But my favorite thing about this group is that they bring something new to the table all while having a sound that reminds you of the classic west coast powerviolence bands you’ve come to know & love. Who knew this kind of brutal musical depravity could exist in Wisconsin? This demo contains 8 songs that are sure to melt your brain. From the opening track “New Flag” to “Nothing New” (just try to resist the urge to jump up and start moshing around in you living room while listening to this, I fucking dare you!). Hell, there’s even a DEATHTHREAT cover at the end. I see many awesome releases for this band in the future, so jump on this free download now. While you’re at it, get in contact with them and request they come to your town and blow it up. You won’t regret it.

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