Tectonic, technologian Harsh Noise from Tabquria, part one in splendidly brutal four part series released on their own xo-archives imprint. Two long-ish  tracks of mercurial molten Harsh Noise, building feedback oscillations and blind signal channel switch attack, swollen goopy and granulated, pulsating throb of digital Noise hums with harnessed orgone micosis, nuked waveforms expand and contract amidst terminally dense pressure to form harsh crystalline diamond structures, unstable at the molecular level and likely to imminently implode. Science Fiction Harsh Noise ambrosia with a very neutral, astringent aesthetic and overwhelming sonics. I was hipped to this rather special series of releases by one T2,000,000, elite audial cyborg sommelier and algorithmic annihilator, whose writings I hope to be playing host to on this very blog, and hopefully soon!


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