The Virulent Specter returns with their first full length offering, emanating from the crypts of Eerie Silence Productions… rictus whirling raw Black Metal, storming with incorrigible menacing percussive groove and loathsome, vile, droning guitars/bass virus, a clotted swarm of mid ranged hate-mad chords and lurching dissonance, with drums driving the hearse ever forward with psychotic near-rocking energy, glowering with immortal disgust, leading a largely mid-paced funeral stomp across the frozen moors with despotically choppy fills exuding total wyrd madness, geistly grim vocal decries the living behind a miasma of effects, eyes rolled back in the putrid head, hissing and gurgling in resplendent necroticism. Appallingly raw and desiccated. Virulent Specter dominates this paradigm with aplomb, few outside the Eerie Silence stable can match this level of boiling aggression and thanatological grandeur. A rite of self castration and encorpsement, a mockery of nature’s order made manifest in oozing, shambolic horror.

Eerie Silence Productions

Inferna Profundus Records

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